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Autumn News from All Saints Saxtead

24 September 2019

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Autumn News from All Saints Saxtead

Isn't it amazing how religious and social events can dovetail and indeed reinforce each other? The first sign was the scarecrows, just one or two, then suddenly they appeared from all quarters, so much so that drivers were doing double takes and retracing their steps to see if that poor creature up a telegraph pole was ok. They became a point for discussion as people not usually known for such imaginative frivolity spent hours, even days, designing their creations. It became more than a bit of fun- the first step in a community coming to life and shaking off its usually deadpan exterior. What were they for? Well, the festival obviously. But so quickly did they meld into their surroundings that no one wanted them moved for the judging! Already there is talk of a possible return of the scarecrows next year. As with the art exhibition with its wide range of pieces by people of considerable talent and insight, whose work we are proud to hang on the wall. Most importantly, people who are happy to have a go. Time will tell, but for now there is a new sense of connection and belonging; an openness to fresh ideas and skills. Still the same no holds barred spirit of competition between the different ends of Saxtead (as shown by the traditional Tug of War) but now a chance to try the gentle art of Qi gong or pottery. To diversify into an appreciation of magnets and try your hand at wattle and daub. All of this made possible by a crowd of local volunteers. And today, Sunday, we go full circle as we devote our attention to Harvest Festival, the church suffused with the deep, pageant -like colours of medieval England set against the purest and simplest of backgrounds. A chance to sing, pray and give thanks for the bounty around us and indeed in us , as our children, through their concert this afternoon, add another dimension to the experience. No one can doubt their enjoyment and enthusiasm, however the string ensemble's rendering of Pachelbel's Canon is so poignant and beautifully played that it brings tears to many an eye and an element of gentle spirituality to the event and our hopes for the future. Thank you wholeheartedly to the people of Saxtead for making it a very special place to live and for devoting your time and energy to making the weekend such a success. We think we have raised about £2000. Sue Ward. saxtead_sue@hotmail.com

October Services at All Saints Saxtead
6th 11.00am Harvest Service at St Michael’s
13th 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP)
20th 11.15am Holy Communion (CW)
27th 11.15am Morning Prayer
November Services at St Michael’s
3rd 11.00am Confirmation at Framlingham
10th 10.55am Remembrance Service
17th 11.15am Holy Communion (CW)
24th 11.15am Morning prayer