Please know that everyone is welcome to visit or join any of our services- whether you are committed, looking or just plain curious you are invited to join us as we sing, read and pray. Yes, you can come in! We believe that in Jesus we encounter the unconditional love of God for everyone. Whoever you are, you are welcome here!
St Michael's Framlingham is open each day for private prayer normally 10am - 4pm
Church Street, Framlingham, Suffolk, England, IP13 9BH. Please see map: Map
You are most welcome to join us: See SERVICES TAB TO CHECK FOR ANY SPECIAL
SUNDAY WORSHIP in St Michael's Framlingham at 8.00 am and 9.30am
SUNDAY WORSHIP in Saxtead at 11.15am
TUESDAY Morning Prayer 9.00am using material from the Northumbria community any welcome to join
WEDNESDAY Eucharist in St Michael's Framlingham at 10.30am
TO KEEP UP TO DATE WITH NEWS FROM ST MICHAEL'S FRAMLINGHAM AND ALL SAINTS SAXTEAD please contact our Parish Administrator to receive regular newsletters and updates by email framparish@gmail.com Parish Office:
page updated 22.01.25
"We at St Michaels have to raise approximately £120,000 each year not only to fund our ministry but also to maintain our wonderful and historic church building in a good state of repair. Under our roof are many centuries of history. It is a delight to be able to offer this to the people who visit us from all over the world but to do this is a significant financial expense. We are almost entirely dependent upon voluntary contributions. We would be most grateful if you would be prepared to support us with a donation and to help to keep our building open and interesting for all visitors."
PLEASE DONATE HERE → https://pay.sumup.io/b2c/QW0UH7A6
or scan the QR code to make a donation. Thank you

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Our Vision Statement:St Michael’s church is an inclusive church community in the heart of Framlingham. We recognise every person as uniquely created, loved and valued by the God revealed to us in Jesus Christ. As a church family we do not discriminate on grounds of disability, economic status, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, or sexuality. We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, reveals to all people the healing truth of how deep God’s love is. This vision underpins our mission to grow younger, in number, in influence and depth as the people of God."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""CONFIDENTIAL SUPPORT HELPLINES Confidential-helplines-downloadable-PDF.pdf
St Michael’s is the parish church for Framlingham, and we have close links to All Saints Saxtead,an adjoining parish to the north west of our small historic market town. There is a strong musical tradition at St Michael’s, with a choir at 9.30 services, leading and inspiring our worship. On the first Sunday of the month the our Church Band supports the worship alongside our Sing Praise Group, a Christian after-school club for children at Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School, a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School with whom we enjoy very close links (Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's Primary School Blog). SING PRAISE! children also help lead worship at major festivals throughout the Church year including Christingle, Mothering Sunday, Easter, Harvest, Advent and Christmas.
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